Where Have I Been?


Here! Drowned by work, moving house, wedding planning and staying alive, just about!
But on the plus side, i have managed to crawl onto our new sofa and sunken so much into it that I can't move, so I have decided to write a load of blog posts so I can spam you with them in between food shopping and further wedding prep!

We moved into our first home together!

On the 13th March, we moved into our first home and we couldn't be happier here! Out in the countryside with amazing views in a quiet area. Slowly we have been making it our own and making it a home. It still feels like we moved in yesterday but time has flown by, and slowly it is coming together. We have just received our dining table set that my dad kindly made for us, so no more eating our dinner off our laps! Really difficult with a full on roast dinner! And now we finally have our new sofa thankyou to Kelvin's parents which is where I pretty much live now. So if nobody hears from me, you can find me here! It also has this weird thing to it, I literally cannot lie on it without falling asleep so I have to remain sat up at all times!!
The best thing about moving out is that if I want to lie on the sofa and do nothing all day with my duvet, it is completely ok for me to do that without being told to get up! Which is what I am currently doing now, tomorrow and forever!!

Scene - Me in my dressing gown with my duvet melted into the sofa :)

Here's some things I've noticed since moving out:

  • Food goes off so much quicker!! I honestly think food use to live in my parents fridge forever and still be in date like 3 weeks down the line. I literally blink and something goes mouldy!!
    How does it even happen so quickly?! 

  • The washing never disappears and it never gets put away! Literally all I do is wash clothes and it's even more effort to put them away. However, on the plus side, we have a nice carpet in the bedroom....made of clothes.

  •  Remembering to put the bin out is REALLY hard!! The amount of times, I have ran out in my Pjs to get it out quick before they reach my house is unreal. I'm not even ashamed!!

  • Life feels even more hectic!! If work and wedding planning wasn't enough, I now have to make dinner each night, clean the house, remember to put the bins out, keep two rabbits alive and kicking and also try to keep Kelvin fed and watered!!

  • Food shopping is actually hard. There is definitely a skill to it! If I'm not forgetting to buy milk, I'm forgetting to buy toilet roll :/ 

All in all....I love having our own house! Soo many people said you wait until you live together!
Yea when he first starts having hayfever attacks at the start of the season and has no medication, it's hell. And the way he always forgets to put the bins out, (do you see a trend here?), I actually love living together!!

Just give it a few years.........
If you have scrolled down this far....I have a confession....I almost finished writing this a month ago :/ I'm sooooooo sorry......soooo here it is!!!! :)


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